1982 DC Comics Style Guide

    QSL? (Do You Confirm Receipt
    of My Transmission?)

From the collection
of Roger Bova


The New York Subway Map Debate
The Worm
Parks book
1970 New York City Transit Authority Graphics Standards Manual reproduction book
1975 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Graphics Standards Manual reproduction book
Identity: Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv book
1977 US Environmental Protection Agency Graphic Standards System reproduction book
1973 Official Symbol of The American Revolution Bicentennial: Guidelines for Authorized Usage; Official Graphics Standards Manual reproduction book
New York City Transit Authority: Objects book

Standards Manual is pleased to announce their tenth title: QSL? (Do You Confirm Receipt of My Transmission?), a collection of over 150 “QSL cards”, showcasing the often overlooked visual history of amateur, or “ham”, radio. Archived from the collection of designer Roger Bova, the cards reveal a rich typographic expression that is rare in their authenticity—each card a personal reflection of the station’s operator.

A topic mostly unknown to those outside of the amateur radio community, QSL cards represent a time in global communication before the Internet age, yet distinctly remind us of the social media “handles” used today. Each card prominently displays a typographic “call sign” on the front, often followed by technical “contact data” on the verso. Produced by the radio operators themselves (or local print shop), the results are broad in approach—some minimal, others maximal, hand-drawn, photographic, or a hybrid of media.

QSL? is now available.


About Standards Manual

Standards Manual is an independent publishing imprint founded by designers Jesse Reed and Hamish Smyth in New York City in 2014.

Our mission is to archive and preserve artifacts of design history and make them available to future generations. From reprinted graphics standards manuals to new compendiums of archival work, our titles always aim to make great design available to all.

As designers ourselves, we value high quality books. As an independent publisher, we produce our books using only the finest papers, printing, and finishing methods. We don’t cut corners when it comes to quality.